Business Structuring, Holdings and Trusts
International business structuring is an absolutely legal process of business reorganization, taking advantage of the economic and legal advantages of various jurisdictions. The classic business model, when the individual owner owns a trading company, has already lost its relevance. Modern business has long practiced the use of foreign companies - as holding companies and trading intermediary companies.
Companies can be used for a variety of business purposes:
holding companies created to protect assets and repatriate dividends to convenient jurisdictions;
commercial enterprises carrying out an operational activity, for example, trade or production;
companies for internal financing of the group (issuing internal loans);
licensing companies - provision of trademarks and other intellectual property products for use;
companies providing movable and immovable tangible assets for use;
Business structuring is of great interest to companies
with plans to expand business abroad;
with the need to create a transparent corporate structure for attracting foreign investors;
with the need to conclude transactions through the law of a foreign state;
Peculiarities of structuring international business
Entering the international market or creating a foreign holding business in the Russian Federation, they face such problems as:
choice of place of registration of the company;
choice of legal structure (form, nominated directors and shareholders);
choice of business model; choice of cash flow financial model;
The choice of the methodology and form of payment of taxes, as well as the application of tax incentives;
The choice of the method of entering and withdrawing investments in a particular country;
Influencers: creating and supporting
Lex & Finance offers to protect your assets and maintain confidentiality with the help of a tool such as a trust.
A trust (trust property) is a special form of legal relations in which the property of the founder is transferred to the management of the Trustee, and the income is received by the Recipient (Recipient).
The subject of the trust can be movable, immovable property, shares, patents, any intellectual property and other assets. The indisputable advantage of a trust is that the assets transferred for management cannot be recovered or confiscated.
Lex & Finance will develop an effective business structure for you, help register companies and open bank accounts so that your business idea starts to bring results as soon as possible. Lawyers of the company will develop an optimal strategy for solving the main issues of organizing business processes.
Restructuring the group of companies to ensure tax efficiency, reducing historical and current risks in the asset receiving and transfer scheme and increasing the level of asset protection;
a new legal structure for the group of companies - including the separation of the individual management centers of the international holding;
Development of a financial/tax scheme for the circulation of funds between group companies to the final beneficiaries - with the calculation of the actual financing, the tax burden at each level of the structure;
Selection of the optimal jurisdiction for the registration of foreign companies in the interests of the Client;
Lex & Finance will develop an efficient business structure for you, help you register companies and open bank accounts so that your business idea starts to bring results as soon as possible.