LEX & Finance professionals

Lex & Finance is a company composed of highly qualified professionals whom clients trust. Our primary mission is to ensure your success.


Our company offers professional legal services in Latvia, including legal consultations, document preparation, and company registration. We specialize in processing residence permits in Latvia and also provide accounting services and financial consultations to businesses, helping our clients achieve stable growth and success.


Starting from humble beginnings and navigating a long journey, we have earned recognition and trust in the legal field, becoming a name that clients can rely on.


Formation and specialization

At this stage, the company was founded by a small team of lawyers. Several specializations were established, such as corporate law, real estate, and immigration law. The company actively worked on building initial client relationships and established its reputation based on successfully resolved cases.


Expanding and nurturing our client base.

The company begins to recruit more lawyers to expand its range of services. A strategy is developed to attract new clients and maintain existing ones. The company starts serving large entrepreneurs and expands its geographical area of operation.

MAY 2018

Professionalization and optimization

The company focuses on standardizing and optimizing business processes to ensure high service quality and efficient management. Specialized departments are established to enhance operational efficiency, leading to an expansion of knowledge and experience in specialized areas.


Expertise and innovation

The company actively develops its expertise in the chosen field and becomes a recognized authority. Investments are made in market research and innovative technologies to enhance efficiency and competitiveness. Participation in professional communities, along with publishing articles and reports, helps solidify its reputation and attract new clients.


Recognition and management

The company becomes a leader in its specialization, boasting a broad client base and an excellent reputation. It expands its geographical presence beyond the national market, gaining international recognition by participating in global projects and receiving invitations to significant industry events.


The experienced team of lawyers at Lex & Finance delivers top-tier legal services in Latvia. Our experts possess extensive knowledge across various legal fields, reflecting our deep commitment to providing comprehensive and exceptional legal support. Their unwavering dedication is the foundation of our success and a key element in your decision-making.


We specialize in developing technological projects for the extraction of sapropel, peat, and methane, as well as the production of organic fertilizers based on these materials. Our collaboration with Lex & Finance in legal and accounting matters has been invaluable. The professionalism of Lex & Finance's management and staff is evident. We focus on managing our business, knowing that everything else is taken care of.

Vladimir Dementyev
SIA "EHT Engineering"

"Darbs ar Lex & Finance, lai atvērtu bankas kontus un iegūtu finanšu licences Maltā, bija produktīvs. Viņi sniedza lielisku servisu, ātri un profesionāli apstrādāja dokumentus, un viņu zināšanas par vietējām finanšu sistēmām bija nenovērtējamas. Kopā mēs atrodam labākos risinājumus sarežģītiem jautājumiem, viņu profesionalitāte un pieredze ir uzticams atbalsts juridiskos un finanšu darījumos"

Giovanni Battista Forte
Across Solutions LTD (Мальта)

"Mūsu restorāns ir sadarbojies ar Lex & Finance mūsu grāmatvedības vajadzībām jau daudzus gadus, un mūsu partnerība ir bijusi neticami veiksmīga. Kopš mēs sākām strādāt kopā, viņi ir pierādījuši dziļas zināšanas par mūsu nozari un mūsu biznesu, kas ir veicinājusi mūsu finanšu operācijas. daudz vieglāk. Viņi ne tikai veic savus grāmatvedības pienākumus. grāmatvedību, bet vienmēr ir gatavi piedāvāt konsultācijas un padomus, lai palīdzētu mums optimizēt mūsu procesus".

Restorāns Akhtamar