The annual financial statement is a mandatory document that reflects the financial position of the enterprise for the reporting period. This is necessary to ensure compliance with legislative requirements, tax control and analysis of economic activity. A timely and accurate report provides a number of advantages:
✅ Regulatory compliance— guarantees that the report has been prepared in accordance with regulatory requirements.
✅ Financial transparency— shows the true position of the company's assets, liabilities and capital.
✅ Confidence of investors and partners— confirms the stability and reliability of the company.
✅ Effective tax planning— helps to optimise tax obligations and avoid possible sanctions.
✅ Reasonable management decisions— allows you to evaluate the results of operations and adjust the company's development strategy.
What main statements are included in the annual financial statement?
In Latvia, companies are required to prepare a number of reports as part of their annual financial statements, including:
✅ Accounting balance— reflects the assets, liabilities and equity of the company.
✅ Profit and loss calculation— shows the income, expenses and financial results of the company.
✅ Cash flow statement— records cash receipts and expenses.
✅ Statement of changes in equity— reflects changes in the company's capital structure.
✅ Explanatory article— includes additional information on the activities of the company.
✅ Tax reports— includes declarations of corporate tax, VAT and other mandatory payments.